Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sure doesn't feel like a constant

I'm referring to time.  Time is a curious thing and I've been thinking a great deal about it lately.  I have just about a month left for my fall semester and time seems to be ticking much too quickly.  I know myself and my peers are in a life time crunch at the moment.  Classes are more demanding now with papers to write and tests to start studying for, an overall mountain of work with little sleep makes for the least fun part of a college experience... Sounds like my post from October about midterms, and here I'm saying this all again.  Well, with time as a university student, the saying goes jokingly, "school is getting in the way of my college education". 

With the need to hit the books and type up a storm, time is, at least for me, is making me turn inward, meaning spending a lot of time alone, well, with my laptop.  I catch myself saying, "now's not a good time", "I don't have space in my schedule", "sorry, rain check", and "I just really need to focus and get shit done".  Social life and relationships have been put on hold unfortunately.  Even my planner for the next few weekends already has dates labeled as homework days so I can keep myself accountable.  I want to have fun, but education dominates my attention.  Of course I try to pencil in as much as possible socially to at least give myself a little time away from school work.  And then I end up exhausted, but I'll be tired no matter what.  In short, these last few weeks are going to suck and time doesn't feel fair, but it'll all be worth it and my reward will be a much needed winter break.