Tuesday, October 2, 2012

BAM! It's October

October is a special month in many ways: Halloween, fall is truly setting in (unless you're in the uncommonly hot and sunny Bay Area), and more.  Part of that more... Midterms.  My semester is in its seventh week, almost half way through.  Where did the time go?  October is prone to be a stressful month of papers, projects, and exams.  My October is looking like it's going to be that way; the academic portion of the college experience at its finest.  Anyways, how can the stress be handled?  Here's what I do:

1. Sleep: Seriously, get some z's.  My bed is my best friend.  Sometimes all nighters may be necessary (never ideal), but they shouldn't be often.  Time management is key.

2. Eat well: A healthy food filled stomach leads to a healthy midset.

3. Listen to music: Need to calm down?  Need motivation?  I turn to music (refer to my first ever post)

All three of these are mostly attributed to "me time", meaning they don't usually involve anyone else (eating is the biggest exception, group dinners can be stress easing as well).

October is the month of fall semester that tests academic limits.  I have a word that I jokingly have used with my past roomates when we've filled out our university dorm agreements.  Under how we want to our grades to look for the semester is this: A-mazing.  Shoot high, college is first and foremost pursuing a higher education, classes and the work that they come with are priority.  I've always teasured my opportunities that come with and my access to education, and October is when I get my fill of it.  Stress less and get the grade I want and am capable of getting: my motto this month (all months really, but October in particular).

What are ways you combat stress?  Let me know in the comments!  And good luck to you students out there on your midterms!

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